• 25.10.2024

Department of “Ballet Master’s art”

Educational programs

Professorial and teaching staff

Information about the Department of “Ballet Master’s Art”

The department graduates bachelors, masters and PhDs in the specialty “Ballet Master’s Art”, the department trains specialists in accordance with the directions of training of higher professional education of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The course of study lasts 4 years, the form of study is full-time full-time.In 2020 the chair «Choreography Directing» was renamed into the chair «Balletmaster’s Art». The department trains future specialists who possess theoretical knowledge and practical skills to create a choreographic work based on the synthesis of all components of expressive means of choreographic art. The department provides training at three levels of education: bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral programs.

Masters of the courses are acting directors-choreographers and ballet masters, who are included in the encyclopedia of the history of choreographic art of Kazakhstan. Every year students with their works participate in the Republican and International competitions of choreographic art and get prize-winning places. Students and teaching staff of the department participate in programs of internal and external academic mobility. Graduates of the department today successfully work in the leading theaters and dance companies of the Republic of Kazakhstan and abroad. After graduation, students successfully work in the field of art, culture and education: professional educational institutions, choreographic and creative groups, groups, studios, schools, etc. The department’s graduates include well-known teachers, researchers, musical theater artists, pop stars and show business stars. Among the graduates of the department are famous teachers, researchers, artists of musical theaters, pop stars and show business stars.

Students take part in numerous performances on all kinds of stages in the country and abroad, as well as participate in scientific conferences, competitions and festivals, creative works and productions. They are winners and laureates of

national and international competitions Independent Accreditation and Rating Agency (IAAR) 23.12.2021–22.12.2026.

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