Name: Zhaxylykova Meruyert Bolatkankyzy |
Post: Dean of the faculty of «Аrt Studies» |
Degree: Doctor PhD in Art History |
Title: Professor of the Department «History and Theory of Theatre Art» (2021) |
- Academic and practical experience: 19 years
- Subjects taught: Mastery of Theatre criticism, Contemporary theatre criticism, History of World Theatre, e.t.c.
Creative, research and innovation activities:
- 1. Member of the Union of Theatrical Figures of Kazakhstan (2004).
- 2. Member of the International Association of Theatre Critics (2019).
- 3. Member of the International Association of Theatre Critics (AICTM, 2017)
- 4. Winner in the nomination «Best Theatre critic» of the XXV Republican Festival of Drama Theaters of Kazakhstan (2017)
- 5. Member of the jury of the International Theatre Festival «Parasatu-2012». Dushanbe, Tajikistan, 2012
- 6. Member of the jury of the International Theatre Festival named after Zhanat Hadjiev. Zhezkazgan, 2018
- 7. The Member of the XVII International Theatre Festival «ART-ORDO-2019». Osh, Kyrgyz Republic, 2019
- 8. Member of the jury of the International Theatre Festival named after Zhanat Hadjiev. Zhezkazgan, 2019
Monographs, textbooks:
- 1. Qazaq käsıbi akterlık önerınıñ damu erekşelıkterı. Zertteuler. – Almaty: «Qaratau KB» JŞS, «Dästür», 2014. – 384 b.
- 2. Älem teatrynyñ tarihy. «Ölke» baspasy, – Almaty, 2016 j., –328 b.
- 3. Qazaqstannyñ zamanaui teatr üderısındegı festiväldıñ halyqaralyq mädeni bailanys retındegı rölı. // Ūjymdyq monografia – Almaty: «Print Express», 2017. 402 s.
- 4. Jastardyñ ūlttyq sana-sezımın qalyptastyrudağy körkemönerdıñ rölı. Ūjymdyq monografia. – Almaty: Service Press, 2020. – 366 b.
- 5. Scientific articles published journals in CCSES– 11
- 6. Articles published in the journal of impact factor not lower than zero, indexed databases Scopus, Web of Science – 1
- 7. Scientific articles published in the near abroad – 4
- 8. Scientific articles of the international conference published in the collection – 11
- 9. Scientific articles published in the journals of RK – 15
- Jubilee medal “Kazakhstan Republikasynyn Tauelsizdigine 20 zhyl” (2011)
- 2. Letter of thanks from the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan
- E. Sagadiev. Astana, 2018
- 3. Certificate of Honor of the Union of Theatrical Figures of Kazakhstan (2013, 2016)
- 4. Certificate of Honor of the Kazakh National Academy of Arts named after T. Zhurgenov (2018, 2020)
- Contact: topjargan@mail.ru
- Тел: 8 705 740 43 70