• 25.10.2024

Department of “Fashion and Costume Design”

Educational programs

Professorial and teaching staff

Master students

The history of the EP “Fashion and Costume Design” was founded in 1987 on the basis of the “Artistic Textiles” department of the Alma-Ata State Theater and Art Institute, when the specialization “Costume Modeling” was created, later called “Fashion Design”.

At the origins of this new educational direction for Kazakhstan and the department “Artistic Textiles and Costume Modeling” were teachers such as Murataev K.K., candidate of art history, professor, cultural figure of the Republic of Kazakhstan, member of the Union of Artists and Designers of the Republic of Kazakhstan; Ibraishina G.K., candidate of philosophical sciences, docentof art history (VAK), member of the Union of Designers of the Republic of Kazakhstan; Sadygulov R.S., associate professor, member of the Union of Artists of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The department that produces this specialization was successfully headed in different years by: Ibraishina G.K. – Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Docentof Art History (VAK), member of the Union of Designers of the Republic of Kazakhstan; Usenova Zh.S. – Professor, Docentof the Higher Attestation Commission; Bapanova S.S., professor, Honored Cultural Worker of the Republic of Kazakhstan; Ibraeva A. B., associate professor, master of arts; Elubaeva R.S., Master of Arts; Aubakirova M. E., senior teacher; Karzhaubaeva S.K., professor, Phd. At this time, the department is headed by M. S. Zhumagaliev, associate professor, excellent student of education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Honored Cultural Worker of the Republic of Kazakhstan, member of the Union of Designers of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Today, the department of “Fashion and Costume Design” trains specialists in two profiles (“Fashion Design”; “Costume Design for Theater and Film”) and two levels of training (bachelor’s and master’s degrees) in the educational program of the same name “Fashion and Costume Design”.

The teaching staff of the department is represented mainly by graduates of KazNAI named after. T. Zhurgenov, fashion industry professionals, specialists in the field of theater, film and television costumes. Teachers of the department: docent Zhumagaliev M.S. – Honored Worker of Culture of the Republic of Kazakhstan; Docent Volodeva N.A., Candidate of Art Sciences; Docent Seitova N.Zh., Candidate of Technical Sciences; Docent Ibraeva A.B., Master of Arts; Docent Bekibaeva G.D., member of the Union of Designers of the Republic of Kazakhstan, laureate of the All-Russian Exhibition Center; Docent Nurmagambetova K.A., Docent Denisko T.V.; senior teacher Vozzhenikova L.V., costume designer of the M. Lermontov National Theater Theater, Laureate of the National Theater Award “Sakhnager”; senior teacher Naymantaeva M.T., Master of sсience “Technology of textile and sewn goods”; teacher Adil Alua, Master of Arts.

The Department of Fashion and Costume Design is rightfully proud not only of its teachers. Students and undergraduates of the educational program regularly become laureates and diploma winners of republican and international festivals, competitions, participants in significant international creative projects, and among the graduates are famous Kazakh clothing designers and founders of their own brands, successful theater and film costume designers, teachers of Russian and leading creative universities in Kazakhstan.

Currently, the EP “Fashion and Costume Design” of KazNAI named after. T. Zhurgenova is the object of innovative transformations. The main idea of innovation is to formulate a relevant educational program in the field of fashion and costume design based on new approaches to the development of educational programs in the field of culture and art in the context of the modernization of the Kazakh education system, taking into account the dynamically changing characteristics of the modern market and trends in interaction with the world community.  The most important guideline in developing the program was the possibility of building an individual development trajectory based on the integration of modern international requirements and the best traditions of the national art school, taking into account the specifics of design as a synthesizing artistic practice, based on many types of art and implemented at the intersection of creativity and technical and production processes.

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