• 13.03.2025

The results of the competition


Dec 12, 2023

“The best educational publications (monograph, textbook, tutorial) and the best publications in the Web of Science and Scopus databases”

Having reviewed all publications for compliance with the requirements of the “Regulations on the competition for the best educational publications (monograph, textbook, tutorial) and the best publications in journals with a non-zero impact factor included in the international citation databases Web of Science, Scopus”, the competition Commission decided:

1. Consider the winner of the competition in the special nomination “Monograph dedicated to the 125th anniversary of Temirbek Zhurgenov”:

Sadykova A. E.

“Temirbek Zhurgenov and cultural modernization in Kazakhstan in the 30s of the XX century”, monograph, 2023

2. Consider the winner of the competition in the nomination “Textbook”:

Sushkov D. V.

“Composition of duet-classical dance”, textbook for students of higher educational institutions, 2023.

3. Consider the winner of the competition in the nomination “Educational and methodical manual”:

Zhanguzhinova M. E.

“Stage costume compositions”, tutorial, 2023

4. Consider the winners of the competition for the best publications in journals with a non-zero impact factor included in the international citation databases of Scopus:

1) Kulshanova A. A.

“Ignorance” in ethnic culture – the philosophy of Al-Faraby”, article from the international database Scopus, Q1, 85th percentile, 2023;

2) Karzhaubaeva S. K.

“Assessment of Safe Access to Pedestrian Infrastructure Facilities 3n the City of Almaty, Kazakhstan”, article from the international database Scopus, Q2, 67th percentile, 2023;

3) Bekmukhamedov B. M., Shindaulova R. B.

“Creativity and emotional intelligence development of future music teachers”, article from the international database Scopus, Q2, 59th percentile, 2023.

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