• 08.02.2025

International strategy

The Department of External Relations and Academic Mobility is a structural subdivision of the T.K. Zhurgenov Kazakh National Academy of Arts, and carries out a set of measures to establish and develop external relations and cooperation with foreign partners.
The main task of the department is to contribute to the strengthening and further development of the leadership positions of the T.K. Zhurgenov KazNAA as a modern world-class university. One of the key directions of the university’s international activities is academic partnership with foreign universities, within the framework of which international educational and scientific projects are being implemented.

Strategic goals for the development of the international activities of the Academy:

  • achievement of the international quality standards in the field of research and training programs;
  • harmonization of T.K. Zhurgenov KazNAA curricula with curricula of world leading universities on the appropriate educational programs;
  • increase in mobility of students and academic staff in the international educational process;
  • introduction and implementation of joint diploma programs as most important means of increase of competitiveness of T.K. Zhurgenov KazNAA in the market of educational services;
  • development of the Academy’s international scientific activity, improvement of quality and participation scales of T.K. Zhurgenov KazNAA in the international scientific, scientific and technical and innovative programs and projects;
  • increase of the international authority of T.K. Zhurgenov KazNAA, including by participation in the international ratings and accreditation of educational programs and an institutionalization of higher education institution in the leading international agencies;
  • development of language training of teachers, employees and students;

International educational programs

Internationalization activities of the Academy are aimed at ensuring its closer integration with other foreign universities, obtaining additional opportunities for accelerated development and competitive advantages for the Academy compared to other universities. It is organized in accordance with the Charter of the Academy and bilateral agreements with foreign partner universities.

The main goal of the Academy’s work on international cooperation is its integration into the world educational and cultural space. Now, the Academy is working in such areas as academic mobility, the international program Erasmus +, Mevlana, DAAD, etc.

Аcademic mobility

ACADEMIC MOBILITY is one of the strategic directions of development of T.K. Zhurgenov KazNAA. Currently, the Academy is successfully implementing programs for external and internal academic mobility.

EXTERNAL ACADEMIC MOBILITY PROGRAMS – training students in foreign universities, as well as the work of research teachers in foreign educational or scientific institutions.

PROGRAMS OF INTERNAL ACADEMIC MOBILITY – training of students, as well as the work of teachers – researchers in leading Kazakhstani universities.

ERASMUS + program

Erasmus+ programme aims to modernize and develop the Education, Training, Youth work, and Sport, to boost skills and employability. The programme will significantly increase investments to the human development.

ERASMUS + is a unique European Union program connecting students around the world.


– participants of state and some commercial universities

– undergraduate students 2 – 4 courses

– undergraduates 1-2 course

– doctoral students -1-3 course


program participants are paid tuition, flight and, subject to receiving a full grant, a scholarship of 500 euros and more is paid, depending on the country to which the student is traveling.

Required documents:

– copy of the passport

– transcript in three languages (Kazakh, Russian, English)

– IELTS certificate (passing score is set by the host university) or a certificate of language proficiency

– summary

– motivation letter*

All information about the launch of the program, deadlines for submitting documents, requirements, criteria for documents are posted in the “Announcement” section on the Academy website. The information is posted in accordance with the opening of the competition.

* Universities may require additional documents


“Mevlana” academic exchange program provides for the exchange of students and academic staff between T.K. Zhurgenov KazNAA  and Turkish partner universities * (in specific areas), with partial funding from the Turkish Higher Education Council.

Requirements for participation in the Mevlana Exchange Program


  • • Monthly stipend 900-1000 TRY;
  • • No previous participation in Mevlana program;
  • • Good level of English or Turkish (certificate upon request from the university);
  • • GPA: BA – at least 2.5 out of 4.0; MA, PhD – not less than 3.00 out of 4.0;
  • Academic staff:
  • • Daily wage 40-50 TLR;
  • • Reimbursement of flight expenses about 3,000 TRY;
  • • No previous participation in Mevlana program;
  • • Good command of English or Turkish (certificate upon request from the university);
  • • Resume, list of publications, plan of lectures/seminars;
  • • The academician must give at least 6 hours of lectures per week;

The Mevlana program provides for the exchange of students and teaching staff between the T.K. Zhurgenov KazNAA and Turkish partner universities * (in specific areas) with partial funding from the Council for Higher Education of Turkey.

Mevlana exchange program conditions

 – The applicant selects the university and completes the protocol (learning protocol) with the help of the department advisor or the international cooperation coordinator of the faculty.

* If there is no list of subjects on the partner university website the applicant should request it from the faculty coordinator of the Mevlana program at the host university.

– The applicant should search for accommodation himself, neither the program, nor university guarantees housing.

– Students and academicians must obtain visa or residence permit for stay in Turkey for more than one month.

– Students and academicians should have insurance policy valid in Turkey. Neither the university nor the program provides insurance. Insurance is required to obtain a residence permit.

* All announcements about call for applications are placed on the website of the Academy annually in February-March.

DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service)

DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) is the largest organization in the world that unites higher education institutions in Germany and assists in the international academic exchange of students and scientists. DAAD organizes and finances the academic exchange of students and scientists, informs about the opportunities for study and research in Germany, and also contributes to increasing the internationality and prestige of German universities. DAAD offers Kazakhstan students, young scientists and specialists, teachers and scientists more than 10 scholarship programs available in both German and English.

The package of required documents provided by the candidate:

• completed application form for participation
• autobiography;
• essay (motivation letter);
• letters of recommendation from teachers;
• language certificate of knowledge of German and / or English
• a copy of the school certificate;
• copy of the transcript / diploma.

How do I apply?

Candidates upload documents to the portal https://portal.daad.de/irj/portal DAAD, and also send applications to the regional representative office of DAAD: Almaty, st. Ivanilova 2, Consulate General of the Federal Republic of Germany, Department of Culture.

You can get detailed information on the official website of DAAD IC Almaty http://www.daad.kz/ru DAAD Information Center in Kazakhstan:
Almaty, Kazakh-German University, st. Pushkin, 111/113, office
18., tel .: 727 293 90 35

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