• 13.03.2025

Webinar for students and scientific leaders

On September 30, 2021, Damir Urazymbetov (PhD, head of the Academic Editorial Department) held a webinar for students and teachers of the Academy on the republican competition of students’ research papers

At the webinar, the stages of the research work, the timing, construction of the scientific apparatus and the structure of student work were outlined, answers were given to questions of interest.

The first intra-university stage in T. K. Zhurgenov KazNAA will run from October 5 to November 21, 2021. Based on the results of the first stage, competent specialists, scientists and teachers from a specially created commission will select the best scientific student works for participation in the second republican stage.

For questions of interest, you can contact the Academic Editorial Department (room 26).

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