On 26.01.2024 the faculty of «Choreography» held the presentation of the book «My Life» of the famous ballet teacher Shubladze Olga Borisovna, who worked in the Temirbek Zhurgenov Kazakh National Academy of Arts, was an associate professor and head of the department «Pedagogy of Choreography» in 2002-2007. The moderator of the presentation and the editor-compiler of the book is Gabbasova Gulmira Nadymovna, honored worker of the Republic of Kazakhstan, associate professor of the department «Ballet Master’s Art», dean of the faculty «Choreography». The presentation was attended by the author of the book Shubladze Olga Borisovna, teachers, doctoral candidates, masters and students of the faculty of «Choreography».
Presentation of the book «My Life» by Olga Shubladze at the faculty of «Choreography»