on holding an international online competition
“Best Poster Presentation “
among second-year undergraduates
of art universities
as part of the annual Science Week, dedicated to 125th anniversary of T. Zhurgenov
On April 13, 2023, the Research Center for Postgraduate Education (Scientific and Editorial Department together with the Department of Postgraduate Education) of the Kazakh National Academy of Arts named after Temirbek Zhurgenov held the International Competition (in a mixed format) “The Best Poster Report -2023” among second-year undergraduates of art universities at the annual Science Week of the Academy dedicated to the 125th anniversary of Temirbek Zhurgenov.
The scientific and editorial department of KazNAI developed and sent an information letter about online competition of poster reports on various types of art with an invitation to participate in the competition. Master students of the following universities responded to the invitation and applied:
- Turan University (Almaty)
- St. Petersburg State University (Russian Federation)
- Tashkent University of Information Technologies named after Muhammad al-Khwarizmi (Republic of Uzbekistan)
- Kazakh National Academy of Choreography (Astana),
- Belarusian State University of Culture and Arts (Republic of Belarus)
- Altai State University (Russian Federation)
- National Institute of Art and Design named after Kamoliddin Behzod (Republic of Uzbekistan)
- Kazakh National University of Arts (Astana)
In the information letter, the deadline for accepting applications from undergraduates was set to April 8, 2023.
Employees of the scientific and editorial department developed the design of the competition poster. Information about the competition was posted on the official website of the Academy.
The purpose of the competition: to summarize the results of the research work of undergraduates in the field of modern problems of culture and art, to demonstrate the innovative achievements of the research activities of young scientists.
The competition was open and was held in one round.
The total number of undergraduates who participated in the competition: 19 people, but 1 undergraduate from “Turan” did not take part in the competition.
List of participants of the competition, topics of reports,
scientific supervisors, contact details:
The competition was held in a mixed format on the ZOOM platform in accordance with the Regulations on the international competition “Best Poster Report” among second-year undergraduates.
By order of the rector A. Satybaldy, the competition commission was approved:
- K. Z. Khalykov – Vice-Rector for Research of the Kazakh National Academy of Arts named after. T.K. Zhurgenova, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor (Almaty)
2) Farkhadova Sevil Mammad Tagi gizi – Doctor of Arts, Professor, Head of the Department of Mugham Studies of the Institute of Architecture and Art of the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan (Baku, Azerbaijan)
3) Yusupova Natalya Yuryevna – Doctor of PhD, Associate Professor of the Department of Television Systems and Applications, Tashkent University of Information Technologies named after Muhammad al-Khwarizmi (Republic of Uzbekistan)
4) Kairbekova Alima Gafuovna – Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, Head of the Department of Social and Humanitarian Sciences of the Kazakh National Conservatory named after Kurmangazy;
5) Nauryzbayeva Ainash Sagatovna – Doctor of PhD, Deputy Head of the Department for Scientific and Innovative Activities and International Cooperation of the Department of Publishing, Editing and Design Art of the Faculty of Journalism of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University.
M. S. Kurmanbayeva – methodologist of the department of postgraduate education of the Kazakh National Academy of Arts. T.K. Zhurgenova (Almaty).
Contest moderator:
A. A. Kulshanova – Head of the Research Center for Postgraduate Education, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor.
The competition committee evaluated the participants in their five-minute presentations with MS PowerPoint presentations according to the following criteria:
- Relevance of the scientific project;
- Evaluation of the scientific merits of a scientific project;
- Research nature of the work, novelty of research, originality and complexity;
- Scientific and practical significance of the obtained results;
- Manufacturability (the possibility of introducing research results into the educational process or production);
- Presentability of the report, content and expediency of reasoning, originality of thinking;
- Oral presentation: consistency and clarity of presentation, persuasiveness of reasoning;
- Clarity of answers to the questions, the level of knowledge of special terminology.
By decision of the competition commission, the winners of the competition were distributed as follows – one first place, two second places, three third places.
LIST of participants in the international online competition “Best Poster Report 2023” among 2nd year undergraduates
№ | Surname, First name, Patronymic name (completely as in the identity card or passport) | Topic of the report (usually the same as the topic of the dissertation) | Full name of the supervisor (in full as in the identity document), academic degree, academic title, position, department, university | Educational program or specialization | Full name of the university |
1 | Amerzhanov Kazbek Zhakypovich | Visualization of national identity through the prism of cinematography in feature films of Kazakhstan | Mashurova A.A. – PhD, senior lecturer | 7М02181- Cinematography | Kazakh National Academy of Arts named after T.K. Zhurgenov |
2 | Auezova Diana Auezovna (Turan, Almaty) | Camera techniques for creating artistic and emotional expressiveness of films | Abikeeva Gulnara Oiratovna, Candidate of Art History, Professor | Cinematography | “University “Turan” Higher school “Turan Film Academy” |
3 | Bakhrieva Shahlo Karim kizi (Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent) | Synthesis of artistic traditions in the art of the Temurids | Akilova Kamola Boltabaevna, Doctor of Arts, Professor; director of the Fine Arts Gallery of Uzbekistan | 70211003 «История и теория искусства» | National Institute of Art and Design named after Kamoliddin Behzod |
4 | Dryagina Ekaterina Nikolaevna | “The phenomenon of the dialogue of traditional Kazakh culture with the waltz aesthetics of the European musical and dance culture of the XIX-XXI centuries.” | Zhuykova Lyudmila Antonovna – candidate of art history, professor | 7М02178 – Pedagogy of choreography | Kazakh National Academy of Arts named after T.K. Zhurgenov |
5 | Zharmukhametova Zhaina Serikkanovna | Modern digital technologies in the Kazakh musical art: application trends and development prospects (on the example of Kazakh traditional instruments) | candidate of art studies, senior teacher – Kazybekova Zhaidargul Almasovna | Traditional music art | Kazakh National Academy of Arts named after T.K. Zhurgenov |
6 | Zolochevskaya Kristina Anatolievna | Formation of creative thinking of children through the prism of theatrical art | M.B. Zhaksylykova – candidate of art studies, associate professor | 7М02192 – Acting art | Kazakh National Academy of Arts named after T.K. Zhurgenov |
7 | Kan Lada Anatolievna | Author’s illustration in the context of the development of the creative industry of the newest Kazakhstan | Mukanov M.F. – PhD doctor, associate professor | 7М02187 – Graphic arts | Kazakh National Academy of Arts named after T.K. Zhurgenov |
8 | Kurakina Marina Olegovna (Russia) | Curatorial practices and strategies for the implementation of exhibition projects in the Altai Territory in the late XX – early. XXI centuries | Chernyaeva Irina Valerievna – Candidate of Art History, Associate Professor, Head. Department of Arts | 50.04.03. – Creative industries and management in art (8.105M-group) | “Altai State University” Institute for the Humanities |
9 | Maslakova Vera Ivanovna (Republic of Belarus) | Artistic specificity of theatricalization of traditional rites of the winter cycle in Belarus | N.I. Narkevich, Candidate of Art History, Associate Professor of the Department of Theory and History of Art | 1-21 80 14 – Art history | Belarusian State University of Culture and Arts, Republic of Belarus, Minsk, st. Rabkorovskaya, 17, 220007 |
10 | Mukhametkalieva Dinara Jaskairatovna (KazNUA, Astana) | The study of make-up art on the example of feature cinema: scientific theses | Dadyrova A.A. Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Scenography and Decorative Arts, | Scenography for theater, film and TV make-up | Kazakh National University of Arts (Astana) |
11 | Nurgazina Zhuldyz Ersainovna | Strategic management of state museums of the Republic of Kazakhstan: principles and methods | Musabaev K.M. – e.g.k., associate professor | 7М02191 – Art management | Kazakh National Academy of Arts named after T.K. Zhurgenov |
12 | Nurmaganbetova Dana Shapagatkyzy | Game graphics in the context of the development of the game industry in Kazakhstan | Baturina O.V. – onertanu candidates, professor | 7М02187 – Graphic arts | Kazakh National Academy of Arts named after T.K. Zhurgenov |
13 | Omonov Shakhzod Shavkatovich (Republic of Uzbekistan) | 3D visualization for the development of a virtual museum | Muhammadiev Abduali, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor | Computer graphics and design | Tashkent University of Information Technologies named after Muhammad al-Khwarizmi |
14 | Safieva Janel Adletovna (Russia) (offline) | The Formation of the Opera House in Central Asia in the Conditions of the Policy of the USSR | Orlov Vladimir Sergeevich Associate Professor, PhD in Musicology (Cambridge University) | ВМ.5620.2021 «Musical criticism» | St. Petersburg State University Department of Interdisciplinary Research and Practice in the Field of Art |
15 | Solovieva Alina Sergeevna (Turan, Almaty) | “The role of the sound component in the creation of a cinematic artistic image based on the analysis of the author’s feature films of Kazakhstan in the 21st century” | Khakimov Azat Serikovich – PhD, assoc. Professor of the Higher School of TFA | 7М02101 – «directing» | “University “Turan” Higher school “Turan Film Academy” |
16 | Sydymanov Ayan Galymovich (Turan, Almaty) | The study of the picture of the world in the work of Lars von Trier in the context of the theory of existentialism | Bozheva Aibarsha Muratbekovna, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Professor +7 701 803 56 56 | 7М02101 – «directing» | “University “Turan” Higher school “Turan Film Academy” 050013, Almaty, st. Satpaeva 16-a, |
17 | Tapalov Nurzhan (KazNUA, Astana) | Works for dombra and piano: features of the musical language and performance | Kuzbakova Gulnara Zhanabergenovna, Candidate of Art History, Associate Professor of the Department of Musicology and Composition | 7M02101 – “Instrumental Performance” | Kazakh National University of Arts (Astana) |
18 | Ten Tatyana Albertovna (KazNAH, Astana) | Allegro: Variable Context of Teaching Methods and Techniques in Modern Ballet School | Kulbekova Aigul Kenesovna, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor of Art History | 7M02108- Choreography | Kazakh National Academy of Choreography (Astana) |
19 | Tishbaev Raimbek Dulatovich (KazNUA, Astana) | Opera V.A. Mozart’s “Don Giovanni” in the interpretation of Alla Simoni on the stage of the “Astana Opera” | Akparova Galia Tolegenovna, Candidate of Art History, Professor, Head of the Musicology Department | 7M02103 – vocal art | Kazakh National University of Arts, Department “Vocal-choral, variety art and musical education” |
List of winners of the international online competition
“Best poster report” among second-year undergraduates of creative universities:
Kazakh National Academy of Arts. T. K. Zhurgenova
Zolochevskaya Kristina Anatolyevna “Formation of creative thinking of children through the prism of theatrical art” Supervisor: Zhaksylykova M.B. – Candidate of Art History, Associate Professor
Kazakh National Academy of Arts. T. K. Zhurgenova
Kan Lada Anatolievna. “Author’s illustration in the context of the development of the creative industry of the newest Kazakhstan” Supervisor: Mukanov M.F. – Doctor PhD, Associate Professor of the Department of Fine Arts».
Kazakh National Academy of Arts. T. K. Zhurgenova
Zharmukhametova Zhaina Serikkanovna. “Modern digital technologies in the Kazakh musical art: application trends and development prospects (on the example of Kazakh traditional instruments)”. Supervisor: Kazybekova Zh. A., Candidate of Art History, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Traditional Musical Art.
Kazakh National Academy of Arts. T. K. Zhurgenova
Nurgazina Zhuldyz Ersainovna “Strategic management of state museums of the Republic of Kazakhstan: principles and methods”. Supervisor: Musabaev K.M. – Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Art Management and Producing.
Kazakh National Academy of Arts. T. K. Zhurgenova
Nurmaganbetova Dana Shapagatkyzy “Game graphics in the context of the development of the game industry in Kazakhstan Game graphics in the context of the development of the game industry in Kazakhstan” Supervisor: Baturina Olga Vladimirovna – Ph.D.
St. Petersburg State Institute of Culture
Safieva Zhanel Adletovna “Formation of the Opera House in Central Asia in the Conditions of the Policy of the USSR” Supervisor: Orlov Vladimir Sergeevich – Associate Professor, PhD in Musicology (Cambridge University)
For the first time in the history of the competition, the competition commission established a special prize for 2nd year undergraduate Bakhrieva Shahlo Karim kizi (Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent) Topic: “Synthesis of artistic traditions in the art of the Temurids.” Supervisor: Akilova Kamola Boltabaevna – Doctor of Arts, Professor; director of the Fine Arts Gallery of Uzbekistan
April 13, 2023