• 18.07.2024

On May 4, 2023 in Educational Theater of KazNAI named after Temirbek Jurgenov was a reporting concert of the faculty “Choreography”, which is gradually acquiring the status of the annual creative report on the work of students, graduate students, doctoral students and teachers of the faculty during the past academic year.

In the concert program the audience were shown choreographic compositions choreographed by students and teachers of the faculty, among which could be seen 12 numbers, performed at international competitions and won prizes in Astana (International Competition of Young Choreographers, dedicated to B. Ayukhanov, Almaty (“International Competition of choreographic schools” Orleu “) and Moscow (International Competition of Young Choreographers “Maria” by R. Zakharov).

Organizing Committee:

  • Gabbasova G.N., Dean of «Choreography» faculty, honored worker of RK, associate professor.
  • A.M. Zhumagalieva, Deputy Dean of the Faculty «Choreography», Mendeniet kairatkeri.
  • A.T. Moldakhmetova, Head of the Department «Choreographer’s art» Doctor of Philosophy (PhD).
  • Aukhadiev I. R., Head of the Department «Choreography Pedagogy», Master of Arts, lecturer.
  • D. V. Sushkov, professor of the chair «Choreographer’s art», honored worker of RK.
  • Gabbasova G.N., assistant teacher of the chair «Choreographer’s art», cultural worker.

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