• 18.07.2024

“Scientific and methodological aspects and principles of structuring of research and development


Sep 19, 2023

Program scientific-methodical seminar of the department of postgraduate education for those enrolled in 2023-2024 academic year in doctoral studies of KazNAI named after Temirbek Zhurgenov on the topic: “Scientific and methodological aspects and principles of structuring of research and development”.

  • Date: September 22, 2023
  • Venue: cinema hall
  • Time: 11.00-13.00                                   

Workshop participants:

  1. 1st year doctoral students
  2. Scientific supervisors of masters and doctoral students
  3. Teachers of postgraduate education
  4. Representatives of the Research and Development Center for Postgraduate Education


  1. Z Ismagambetova. – Doctor of Philosophical Sciences
  2. A. Nauryzbayeva – Doctor of Philosophical Sciences

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