• 18.07.2024



Feb 29, 2024

Department of “History of Kazakhstan and Social Sciences”
as part of the Day of Gratitude – March 1

Date: March 1, 2024

Time: 12:50 p.m. Astana time

           10:50 a.m. Moscow time

Address: 133 Kekilbayeva str., Academy College building, floor 5, office 55.

Mode: online/offline


  • The teaching staff of the Department of Foreign Language and APK;
  • Students of Temirbek Zhurgenov KazNAA;
  • Members of the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan, members of the Scientific Expert Group of the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan.
  • Representatives of Ethnic and cultural associations of the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan.
  • The teaching staff of A.A. Kadyrov Chechen State University.
  • The teaching staff of the Kenzhegali Sagadiev University of International Business (UIB);
  • Students of Temirbek Zhurgenov KazNAA;
  • Students of A.A. Kadyrov Chechen State University.
  • Students of Chechen State Pedagogical University;

Guests and speakers:

  • Tsutsulaeva Sapiyat Saipuddinovna– Associate Professor, Dean of the Faculty of History A.A.Kadyrov Chechen State University. Chechen Republic, Grozny;
  • Abdulvakhabova Birlant Borz-Alievna, Associate Professor of A.A.Kadyrov Chechen State University. Chechen Republic, Grozny.
  • Ahmadullah Vastok –member of the APK, Honorary Chairman of the Afghan Ethnocultural Center “Ariana”, member of the Council of Elders at the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan in Almaty;
  • Anakulieva Gulnara Ataevna, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor at  Kenzhegali Sagadiev University of International Business (UIB), member of the APK, Chairman of the Turkmen Ethnocultural Center;
  • Vointse Abubakir Vaytsyrovich– member of the APK, Chairman of the Dungan ethnocultural center.
  • Mamsurov Kazbek Vladimirovich, member of the APK, member of the Scientific Expert Group of the APK, Chairman of the Ossetian ethnocultural center.


  • Professor Shaimerdenova Mendyganym Dzhamalbekovna. Temirbek Zhurgenov Kazakh National Academy of Arts. Kazakhstan, Almaty;
  • Associate Professor Abdulvakhabova Birlant Borz-Alievna. Chechen State University named after A.A. Kadyrov. Chechen Republic, Grozny.

Welcome speech:

  • Professor Alimzhanova Aliya SharabekovnaHead of the Department “History of Kazakhstan and Social Sciences” of the Temirbek Zhurgenov Kazakh National Academy of Arts. Kazakhstan, Almaty;
  • Associate Professor Tsutsulayeva Sapiyat Saipuddinovna is the Dean of the Historical Faculty of the Chechen State University named after A.A. Kadyrov. Chechen Republic, Grozny.

Topics of reports and presentations of university students:

1. The history of the deportation of the peoples of the USSR to Kazakhstan.

Dosmukhamet Shakira, Esmagambetova Dinara, 1st year students of the Faculty of Cinema and TV of Temirbek Zhurgenov KazNAI;

2. “Lentils” is a special operation of mass deportation of the Chechen and Ingush peoples.

Halimova Petimat Nasyrovna, 4th year student, profile “History” of the Kadyrov Chechen State University;

3. Deportation of Koreans to Kazakhstan.

Danelya Nursaitova, Adai Khudaibergenova, 1st year students of the Faculty of Cinema and TV at Temirbek Zhurgenov KazNAI;

4. Deportation of Germans and Poles to Kazakhstan.

Bakytbek Almaz, Yerkinkyzy Azhar, 1st year students of the Faculty of Cinema and TV of Temirbek Zhurgenov KazNAI;

5. The road of death and suffering is about the deportation of close relatives.

Dzhebirkhanov Mukhamed-Emin Vislamuyevich, Kakaev Jabrail Myuslamovich, 2nd year students, profile “History” of the Chechen State Pedagogical University.

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