• 18.07.2024

“Theatrical process: actual problems of theory and practice”


Feb 17, 2022


Dear colleagues!

Faculty of Art studies of T.K. Zhurgenov Kazakh Academy of Arts, M.O.Auezov Institute of Literature and Art on March 25, 2022, are holding the International Scientific and Practical Conference – Theatrical process: actual problems of theory and practice”, dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the Honored Art Worker of Kazakhstan, laureate of the State Prize of the Republic of Kazakhstan, laureate of the Independent Platinum Prize “Tarlan”, an outstanding theater critic, Professor Ashirbek Torebaiuly Sygai.

Famous Russian and foreign scientists, public and theatrical figures have been invited to the conference. Art scholars, university professors, doctoral students and undergraduates can participate in the conference.

The main thematic directions in the conference:

  • Modern actual problems of theatrical art;
  • The main trends in the development of musical and choreographic art;
  • Modern searches in the fine and decorative arts;
  • Innovative trends in cinema.

Working languages: Kazakh, Russian, English. Reports must comply with the following parameters:

Volume up to 6 pages (А-4 format), Times New Roman font, single spacing.

Articles and papers must be submitted to organization committee untill March 15, 2022, by email to the tanu.14@mail.ru address. Articles accepted to the conference will be published in a scientific collection.

Participation fee is 5000 (five thousand) tenge (Kaspi Gold: +7 701 279 8681 Aidana Muratkyzy)

Conference participants should contact the organizing committee in advance. All costs are at the expense of the sending party. Due to the sanitary and epidemiological situation, the form of the conference of both: face-to-face and remote participation (online, offline), will be announced additionally later.

The application must contain the following information:

  • 1. Full name.
  • 2. Academic degree
  • 3. Place of work or study,
  • 4. Formulation of the topic of the report
  • 5. Country, city, E-mail, contact phone number.

The plenary session will be held in the conference hall of T.K. Zhurgenov Kazakh Academy of Arts on March 25 at 14:00.

Our adress: Almaty, st. Panfilov, 127, Phone: +7 701 327 9029 (Amankeldi Mukan);

Email: tanu.14@mail.ru 

Organizing committee

Requirements for the design of materials

Justify the text in width. Pages are not numbered. Paragraph indent – 1 cm. Line spacing – single. Times New Roman. The usual size is 12 pt. Format – A4. Margins: right, left – 2 cm, top – 2 cm, bottom – 2 cm.

Material structure:

Title – in capital letters in the center of the page (font 14 “bold”); – centered under the heading (font 14, bold italic)

Information about the author:

The initials and surname of the author, academic degree, title, position; under the author’s name – place of work, email address.

  • Abstract 100-150 words – in Kazakh, Russian and English
  • Keywords – (5-7 words) in Kazakh, Russian and English
  • The volume of the article is 5-6 pages.
  • All citations in the article must have links to the original source.
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